Moin moin and hello,

this article provides an overview of GraphQL and its key features, including a typed schema, query language, strongly typed responses, nested data fetching, and mutations, along with examples of each feature in action.

An Introduction to GraphQL: Overview and Examples

GraphQL is a query language and runtime that allows clients to ask for exactly what they need from an API. Unlike REST, which typically requires multiple round trips to the server to retrieve the necessary data, GraphQL allows clients to specify their data requirements upfront in a single request. This can lead to improved performance, reduced network overhead, and more efficient data fetching.

Key Features of GraphQL

1. Typed Schema

GraphQL relies on a strongly-typed schema to define the structure of the data available in the API. This schema serves as the contract between the client and the server, allowing clients to know exactly what data is available and how to request it. Here’s an example of a simple GraphQL schema:

type Query {
  book(id: ID!): Book

type Book {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  author: String!

In this schema, we define a Query type with a single field, book, which takes an id argument and returns a Book object. The Book type defines the structure of the Book object, including its id, title, and author fields.

2. Query Language

GraphQL defines a query language that clients can use to request data from the API. The query language allows clients to specify exactly what data they need and how it should be structured. Here’s an example of a GraphQL query:

query {
  book(id: "123") {

In this query, we’re asking for the title and author fields of the Book object with an id of “123”. Note how the query matches the structure of the schema we defined earlier.

3. Strongly Typed Responses

GraphQL also provides strongly typed responses, which means that the response from the server will match the structure of the query. This can help prevent errors and make it easier to work with the data on the client side. Here’s an example of a response to the previous query:

  "data": {
    "book": {
      "title": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
      "author": "Douglas Adams"

Note how the structure of the response matches the structure of the query, with the title and author fields of the Book object included.

4. Nested Data Fetching

GraphQL allows clients to fetch nested data in a single request, which can help reduce the number of round trips to the server. Here’s an example of a query that fetches nested data:

query {
  book(id: "123") {
    reviews {
      author {

In this query, we’re asking for the title, author, reviews, and author fields of the Book object with an id of “123”. Note how we’re fetching data from nested objects (reviews and author) in a single request.

5. Mutations

In addition to querying data, GraphQL also supports mutations, which allow you to modify data on the server. Mutations are defined using the mutation keyword and can be thought of as the counterpart to queries. Like queries, mutations have a name and a set of input arguments. However, unlike queries, mutations can also have a return type, which is typically the type of the modified data.

mutation {
  addBook(title: "The Lord of the Rings", author: "J.R.R. Tolkien") {

In this example, the mutation is called addBook and takes an input argument of type BookInput, which is an object containing the title and author of the new book. The mutation returns an object of type Book, which contains the id, title, and author of the newly created book.

6. Subscriptions

Another powerful feature of GraphQL is subscriptions, which allow clients to receive real-time updates from the server. Subscriptions are similar to queries and mutations, but instead of returning a single result, they return a stream of results that are pushed to the client as they are generated.

Subscriptions are defined using the subscription keyword and can have a similar structure to queries and mutations. The key difference is that subscriptions include a subscribe field, which is a function that returns an AsyncIterator that produces the results of the subscription.

Here’s an example of a subscription that receives real-time updates when new messages are added to a chat room:

subscription {
  newMessage(channelId: "123") {
    author {

In this example, the subscription is called newMessage and takes an input argument of channelId. The subscription returns an object of type Message, which contains the id, content, and author of each new message.


GraphQL is a powerful and flexible tool for building APIs that offers several key benefits over traditional REST APIs. With its typed schema, query language, strongly typed responses, nested data fetching, mutations, and subscriptions, GraphQL provides developers with a powerful and efficient way to build data-driven applications. While there are certainly trade-offs to be made when choosing a technology stack, GraphQL is quickly becoming the go-to choice for many developers looking to build modern, scalable, and maintainable APIs.

In diesem Sinne, bis demnächst!